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NASA Staff Meeting Minutes 5 February 1996

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
February 5, 1996
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Subject: Minutes of Senior Staff and Date: Wednesday, February 07, 1996 6:59PM
Minutes of Senior Staff and Center Directors’ Meeting February 5, 1996
The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and Center Directors’ Meeting on February 5, 1996. Action assignments are bolded.

1. AA Reports
B/Holz: Code B held a meeting February 5, 1996, that established the strategy to review the OMB passback. A meeting is scheduled with General Dailey and the program offices, during the morning of February 6, to review the passback. The responses from the program offices are due to Code B on February 7, no later than 2 p.m. Responses will be reviewed by General Dailey at 3 p.m. A final review will be conducted the morning of February 8, with the appeals from the program offices to be presented to Mr. Goldin that afternoon. Code B will prepare NASA’s formal response, due to OMB on February 9, 1996.
S/Huntress: Alvin Sieff, John Casani, and William O’Neil were awarded the 1995 Aviation Week and Space Technology Space Laurel for Space for the Galileo probe mission.
G/Frankle: In response to Mr. Goldin’s request for further information and guidance concerning the implementation of a new Executive order establishing new regulations for interaction between Government officials and lobbyists, a memo will be released February 5, 1996, that details the specific requirements of the Executive order and how it effects specific NASA officials.
I/O’Brien: On February 2, 1996, Code I distributed the protocols and other documentation resulting from the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission’s meeting which concluded January 30, 1996.
E/Reeves: The EEO Council Meeting, scheduled for February 13 and 14, 1996, have been cancelled. However, the EEO officers will still meet in Hagarstown, MD, during this time.
2. AD/Dailey
The discussion paper, from the Senior Management meeting, was distributed on February 2, 1996, and may be shared with other individuals as deemed appropriate.
The Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordination Board lunch and meeting will be held February 6, 1996.
The PMC quarterly has been rescheduled from February 22 to February 28, 1996.
The next Strategic Planning Retreat is rescheduled for March 26 and 27, 1996. The location has not been determined; however, it will most likely be at HQ.
3. Center Director Reports
ARC/Munechika: The Surface Movement Advisor, a joint program with the FAA that is being installed at the Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, GA, is back on track after suffering minor setbacks incurred by the furlough and bad weather. The project is intended to be in place by the 1996 Summer Olympics. The January 31, 1996, press conference for ARC’s first graduate from the Ames technology incubator program went very well.
DRFC/Szalai: Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurel Award for Aeronautics/Propulsion went to Ray Morgan and Bob Curtain of AeroVironment for development of the Pathfinder and establishment of a world altitude record for solar- powered aircraft at 50,500 ft. The project is concluded under the NASA Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (ERAST) program. An Aviation Week Laurel honor in the same category was also awarded to Bill Burcham and Gordon Fullerton for the Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft research and demonstration of an F-15 and MD-11. The first flight of the TU-144 will slip into mid-late March due to the discovery of new fuel leaks. The 30-flight program will take place at Zhukovsky, Russia, which is south of Moscow.
GSFC/Rothenberg: The scientists continue to be pleased with SOHO’s performance. A NASA/NOA roundtable meeting endorsed GSFC’s advanced instrument and technology program. Mr. Rothenberg expressed his pleasure at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Space Systems/Loral team being recognized with a 1995 Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurel Award for Space. The award is being presented for the successful launch of the next generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites, GOES 8 and 9 in April 1994 and May 1995, respectfully. Martin Davis, NASA’s current GOES project manager, was specifically mentioned.
JSC/O’Neil: A successful countdown demonstration was conducted for STS-75 on February 2, 1996. STS-75’s Flight Readiness Review for the February 22, 1996, launch will be conducted on February 9. Congressman Tom DeLay (R-TX) will be visiting the Center on February 5. Shannon Lucid’s press conference will air at 8 a.m. on February 9 from Star City, Russia.
KSC/Parish: Mr. Parish expressed his appreciation to Fred Gregory for his participation in the kickoff ceremony for KSC’s Black History month.
LaRC/Holloway: Last week, the elastic tests were completed for the NASA/Bell Helicopter joint project on rotary wing construction. This is an active vibration reduction system that succeeded in reducing the vibrations in the rotors by an order of magnitude. The significance of this effort is that it brings the possibility of a civil tilt rotor industry closer to being a possibility.
LeRC/Campbell: LeRC completed a study for a Columbus company on engine inlets. The study is currently being reviewed by the firm’s analysts. Based upon their review, LeRC may be participating in further reviews.
MSFC/Littles: MSFC was closed February 5, 1996, due to the previous evening’s severe ice storm.
SSC/Walk: Dr. Kennel is at SSC this week participating in briefings.
4. A/Goldin
Mr. Goldin expressed his appreciation to the Senior Management for their efforts in implementing the results from the recent Senior Management meeting, stating that he was looking forward to the Centers leading the way, as HQ began to define the why and the what for NASA.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.