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Things Are Getting Weird at MSFC: Absentee Management at the Top

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
April 30, 2008

Disturbing E-Mail Goes Out to NASA Employees, WHNT

Editor’s note: When employees take dramatic actions such as this – i.e. to circumvent traditional management chains to raise both personal – and important workforce issues – it is symptomatic of managerial insensitivity and incompetence at the top. Dave King should be taking this very seriously – as a personal failure in his own management of MSFC – not something an employee did that requires a reprimand.

Reader note: This is an email that was sent by a Marshall employee yesterday.It was sent as a mass email (Marshall-wide global).Management response: “A MSFC employee sent a mass e-mail to the Marshall workforce today. We are taking appropriate action to provide assistance and to maintain a safe work environment for all of our employees. Due to Privacy Act considerations, we cannot comment further. Dave King, Director”.

Email message below:

Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:40 AM

Believe it (or) not, it’s dejavue all over again! Bestselling author, Robert Moss, wrote a 261 page book, entitled: The Three “Only” Things: Tapping The Power of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagation. This book talks candidly about through dreams, coincidence and the workings of the imagination, we can journey to a world beyond our obvious one, and realize a world where we awaken to who we are and who we are meant to become.

“In everyday circumstances, caught up in hurry and stress, and people’s schedules and expectations, we often lose touch with the deeper meaning of life,” Moss writes. “We become entangled in problems that cannont be solved on the level of thinking and being who we are on. We are unable to recognize the hidden order of events. We become strangers to magic, which is the art of reaching into a deeper reality and bringing gifts from it into the ordinary world. Worst of all, we forget who we are. We do not know where we come from or where we are going, beyond lists and resumes. We do not remember that our lives may have a deeper purpose and be part of a larger story.”

I chose this subject “CHANGING OUR THINKING”, out of thin air. Why, well one reason is because I am personally running out of genuine oxygen. I need a miracle, to continue. My dreams have not only been deferred. They have been pretty much extinguished. I have been on a ride, lately, that has reminded me of the ill-fated 1970 Apollo 13 moon mission, where everything began to go wrong.

Very much like this “particular” mission, the major networks refused to air this voyage, because the thought the general public were indifferent to NASA missions, since they had almost become “so routine”. Shortly, thereafter, an explosion occurs, and this Apollo Crew was losing precious oxygen. Without repeating this well documented story, I want to divert your attention to my story.

Management at NASA Marshall, has unfortunately turned their eyes and feelings against, and away from the power of yours and my dreams, coincidences and imagination. Some within might say, this is not true. However, it is true. NASA management at Marshall Space Flight Center – Huntsville has refused to do anything about my plea(s) for help. And, now, I find myself going through a similar explosion, like the crew of the Apollo 13 mission. I am looking to NASA managment, initially at Marshall, to help save me — from the inevitable perils of my life devasting possible death scenario’s, whereby, their current thinking needs to be ameliorated to protect not only my professional career from coming to a screeching halt, but the careers of many other valued assets, at MSFC.

I can see clearly, now, that many people in power, could care less about those of us, who are not as fortunate. We don’t even register on their radar, until we benefit them, in some way ‘or’ another. It’s all about them, and protecting what they have. Not one, in management, will put their lives on the line, for a helpless employee, like me. Some, within management, will come to the rescue of others, who they value more, but in my case, I’m of no value, anymore.

I don’t pretend to know everything, but I am convinced that our top heavy management structure, is stifling the innovation and integrity of our workforce. Numerous Marshall managers are getting away with highway robbery and murder. It will not be uncommon for some Marshall managers to go on to even greater heights, while other civil-servants and contractors reap the inevitable destiny’s of an induced and slow death. And this cycle, will repeat itself, over and over, again.

CHANGING OUR THINKING, herein, is not just something that applies to management at Marshall. It also applies to every employee at MSFC (i.e., civil and contractor personnel). I deeply hurts me, to sit here, and type my current thoughts and feelings, like this. But, I find myself defeated, all alone, on the left-hand side — and without any possible human recourse, to make things better again, for me. I’m sure this writing will not be my magic miracle.

However, if it changes anyone’s thinking, anyone’s moral aptitude, I hope it stirs up the thinking of those, who have the authority and power to save me, from any further personal and professional destruction.

Make no mistake about it, I have turned to God. If I can’t turn to management. If I can’t turn to my fellow and lady coworkers. I do have a loving God. And, if a miracle can magically get me out of this undeserving predictment. I know it will be — as a result of my faith in God.

Finally, in the words of Machiavelli: “It is far better to be feared than loved … [ for] men worry less about doing an injury to one who makes himself loved than to one who makes himself feared. The bond of love is one which men, wretched creatures that they are, break when it is to their advantage to do so, but fear is strengthened by a dread of punishment which is always effective.”

The most amazing thing about this brutal philosophy is that it won the modern mind, though only by watering down ‘or’ covering up its darker aspects. Not only do employees within NASA need to change the way we act and think. We also need, a change of heart! Harden not, your heart!

This is no joke ‘or’ prank email. It is real! This is definitely a subject that needs to be addressed, from all sides. Our NASA Marshall management doesn’t get it, yet. It’s beyond time for us to have a serious conversation on this very important issue. And, I for one, believe that based on my unfortunate circumstances of the last few years,


NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.