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Space & Planetary Science

LRO Launch Delayed Again

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
April 1, 2009

From: “Tooley, Craig R. (GSFC-4510)
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 23:11:08 -0500
Conversation: LRO Launch Date – Clarification
Subject: RE: LRO Launch Date – Clarification
The official NASA Flight Planning Board position is the LRO/LCROSS launch date is NET 6/2/2009. We will plan for this and this is consistent with the launch vehicle schedule we integrate our schedule to. But there is still an open trade concerning LCROSS science that could push it to the second June window which opens June 17th. The LRO team should work to 6/2/2009.
My apologies for any confusion I have promulgated.

—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected]
On Behalf Of Tooley, Craig R. (GSFC-4510)
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:53 PM
Subject: LRO Launch Date
It is now certain that LRO will not launch on May 21, 2009 and that our new first launch day will be either June 3, 2009 or June 4 2009. The slip is due to a delay in launching the WGS mission ahead of us. The uncertainty in June 3 vs. June 4 arises from the fact that on June 3 it is a single instantaneous opportunity and that may be unacceptable to KSC/ULA or possibly LPRP. From an LRO standpoint the first window set consists of June 3,4,5.
This translates into 2 extra weeks which we’ll exploit in a variety of ways. Some of the time is required to revise the Flight Products for a new launch date. We’ll also use this time to further prepare for commissioning, which was our upcoming focus as soon as we completed MR#5. Finally, we will also review the overall schedule of remaining work to look for ways to optimize it given a bit more time.
CRAIG TOOLEY-LRO Project Manager

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.