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Once Again, Bolden Is Unavailable Due To Travel

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
October 12, 2010
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Congressional Concerns Remain as NASA Chief Prepares for China Trip
“U.S. Reps. Frank Wolf of Virginia and John Culberson of Texas — both Republicans serving on the House Appropriations commerce, justice, science subcommittee that approves NASA’s annual budgets — are opposed to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden leading any collaborative talks with Chinese officials about manned spaceflight programs when he visits China Oct. 16-21. Both lawmakers have requested a briefing on the trip before Bolden and his NASA colleagues leave town. A NASA official said Oct. 12 that Bolden would be tied up in a senior management retreat before he departs Oct. 15 for China. “No formal briefs are scheduled but we will be prepared to answer any questions,” the official said.”
Keith’s update: The 2 day senior NASA management retreat is being held in the Hampton/Norfolk area. Center directors, AAs, etc. will be there.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.