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Wallops Sailboat Update

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
November 2, 2014
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Fine unlikely for boat that delayed Antares launch,
“The sailboat was about 40 miles out to sea, NASA Wallops Flight Facility Director Bill Wrobel said. It was in the first of two avoidance areas for the launch — the one set for the first rocket stage. The area extends some 50 nautical miles out from shore in a wedge shape, some 37 nautical miles wide near the shore and 17 nautical miles wide at its outer limit. The vessel was well beyond the 12 nautical miles over which the United States exercises sovereignty.”
Wallops Launch Delayed By A Boat, earlier post

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

One response to “Wallops Sailboat Update”

  1. dogstar29 says:

    Historically at KSC helicopters or aircraft have patrolled the restricted area before a launch and contacted boats directly, but this is expensive. Most mariners monitor local marine radio and weather channels and repeated announcements for the 24 hours before the closure might be of help at Wallops.