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"Life" Is A Truly Stupid Movie

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
March 26, 2017
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NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

8 responses to “"Life" Is A Truly Stupid Movie”

  1. TheBrett says:

    That’s a funny point in that last tweet. Does Life take place in a world where Alien never existed? Because Alien itself was a big reference point for the director – he all but said in one of his interviews that Alien was great but forty years ago, and I guarantee you that the Five Word Pitch for this movie was “Alien in the space station”.

    I read a lot of praise for the ending, but I looked up the plot synopsis on wikipedia and it doesn’t seem that unusual or special. I won’t spoil it here.

    • Brandon says:

      Praise? The ending was the worst part! I could see why the writer might’ve thought the ending was clever, but all I could see were three words prominently superimposed over the final frames, just before the credits, “FU*K YOU, AUDIENCE” and to me that incredibly stupid ending ruined a not-great-but-not-terrible movie that I was trying so hard to like.

      Up until the last minute I was like “alright, the ending’s a little lackluster, but i guess it had to end this way” then the movie said “Nope, fu*k you!” It ends on a fu*k-you, and I feel like it ended on a fu*k-you because I really wanted to like this movie and even halfway through when I realized that it wasn’t going to be a good movie but just an okay one, I was still trying to like it, and right up until the last minute I was on board with accepting that it was just okay and the ending was clearly leading to this and was a bit lackluster but adequate for an equally lackluster and adequate movie, and then suddenly “FU*K YOU!” Just like that. It felt insulting. Up until the ending I would not have said I wasted my time with the movie, but with the ending I’m definitely calling it a waste of time, or at least, if you’re gonna see it, know before you go. Read the summary. The shock, abruptness of the ending is what makes it a fu*k-you.

  2. Al Jackson says:

    Wont be the last time Hollywood puts 60 (or 150) million on a retread idea, due to lack of imagination.

    The best science fiction visual drama right now is a Solar System story called The Expanse , alas not enough people are watching it.

    • Grumpy_Engineer says:

      Thanks for the tip. Found it on Netflix, but only in DVD. Eagerly watching my mailbox!

  3. fcrary says:

    I will note that “Fictional #NASA in #LifeMovie is run by a bunch of psychopaths & idiots” implies the real NASA is not. I’ve seen comments on this site which implied otherwise.

  4. mfwright says:

    I haven’t seen any of the recent space movies (actually none in past 15 or so years). I did go and watch Hidden Figures because it is different from typical genre of weird creatures and laser beam battles.

  5. Koya. be gentel, pers time ko says:

    Life is like secretly written by N. Shalaman…….same old expected twisted ending…

  6. Darrin Weis says:

    I just watched it, thankfully did NOT pay for this POS of a movie. What a joke.