Beyoncé and the Challenger Accident: What Lesson Has Been Learned (if any)?
Thanks @Beyonce cuz I'm now watching a #Challenger documentary. #xo #Beyoncé #nasa
— HMVG (@hector_mvg) December 31, 2013
@Beyonce uses the #Challenger tragedy to sell her music. Rude, insensitive and obnoxious only begin to describe it.
— John O'Neill (@RedHandNYCity) December 30, 2013
Beyoncé: Sampling The Sounds of Tragedy For Pop Music, Earlier post
What has been learned? Normally I don’t bother much with Twitter, but I clicked on the Beyoncé link and learned that she does spend time on some important issues.
Let’s give the lady some time and a chance. This isn’t over.
She is clueless and made this explanation up after the fact.
She made a statement on it:…
She is clueless and made this explanation up after the fact – after she got caught.
Ms. Knowles has, unwittingly, reminded us of Challenger and brought it to the attention of a new generation. Perhaps a few choice words with Obama about the value of NASA HSF is the least she can do?
Don’t hold your breath.
I would expect someone as hungry for attention as Beyoncé would have made a statement before the release or at the release of the album/song about how she was honoring the astronauts with her sampling instead of waiting until there was a furor about it. I think what she has said about the song is merely an attempt to cover herself and to make herself appear sympathetic to the astronauts and their families. As choreographed as her life is, it’s hard to believe anything else.
I have no particular knowledge of, or interest in, either the lady or what she considers music; but having some familiarity with the music industry, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that she herself knew nothing about the words or their implications until after she had recorded them, they had become an issue, and then it all had been explained to her, afterwards. Many “created stars,” if I may use that phrase, simply follow the instructions of a manger and/or record producer. These highly-paid professionals are supposed to know what’s best in the recording and entertaining world and performers all too often simply blindly follow their scripts. Her apparent attempt to smooth things over after the fact may have been purely damage control, and it, too, may have been simply following instructions. I’m not alleging that this is what’s happened; I’m simply pointing out the possibility, since it’s not uncommon.
I remain fairly sure that most of her younger-than-30 entourage likely had no real clue about the significance of this recording. They only found out after the outcry and there is thus the hurried attempt at damage control.
I get the feeling she had no idea where the audio clip came from…