SLS Procurement: Still Waiting For The Details (Update)
NASA’s New Space Launch System Announced – Destination TBD, SpaceRef
“Sen. Kay Baily Hutchison said in a press conference a few hours earlier that the exisiting Constellation and shuttle contracts will be changed within a week or so. When asked about this Gerstenmaier said that will not happen that fast. He said that NASA’s intent is to have an Industry day for the private sector around 29 September. A formal synopisis will be issued at the end of this week announcing that event.”
Keith’s note: Its is Monday and despite Gerstenmaier’s statement, nothing about an industry day or any procurement changes for SLS has been posted on NASA’s procurement site or in the Federal Register.
NASA Marshall Small Business Alliance Space Launch Systems Industry Day
“With NASA’s announcement of the new Deep Space Exploration System, attendance at this event will afford industry an opportunity to learn more about the new Heavy Lift Rocket that will one day take humans far beyond Earth. This will be America’s most powerful rocket to be developed since the Satern V rockets that carried Apollo astronauts to the moon.”
Keith’s 20 Sep update: Where is the rest of the stuff (the procurement/contract changes) that NASA said it was going to release? Sen. Hutchison said this would only take a week. Also, why isn’t NASA webcasting this event? Also note that the MSFC folks have forgotten how to spell the name of the Moon rocket they developed back in the day – i.e. “Satern V”. Also what is the “Deep Space Exploration System”? Is this a new program? NASA folks often capitalize words they want to emphasize – even though this comes across as a formal name.
Keith’s 22 Sep update: See NASA Releases SLS Acquisition Materials