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Building The Tallest Things On Earth

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
August 8, 2021

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

6 responses to “Building The Tallest Things On Earth”

  1. ed2291 says:

    Good job! The two are very similar to me and remind me of human progress.

  2. Leonard McCoy says:

    In both photos, the workers are arranged in a manner that flies in the face of current Industrial Safety. The ironworker standing freely and not tied off with a safety harness, and presumably the other workers as well. That was long before modern standards. For Starship, are those people inside the booster, underneath a suspended load? Not standard practice.

    • kcowing says:

      You totally miss the point, don’t you?

      • Leonard McCoy says:

        both things monumental efforts, no doubt, but bot an excuse to ignore safety standards

        • kcowing says:

          I am rather sure that the SpaceX folks are guided by applicable OSHA standard. If you think otherwise then you might want to file a complaint with OSHA. As for the guys in 1931- if your time machine is working you might go back and yell at them.

    • Terry Stetler says:

      The SpaceX workers aren’t inside the interstage, they’re in baskets on the end of man lifts designed for working on wind turbines. This makes them perfect for this job.