Letter To Congress Urging Support for NASA Commercial Crew Plans
Letter from Space Leaders to Congress Urging Support of NASA’s Use of Commercial Crew Services to the ISS
“Dear Members of Congress: We, the undersigned space leaders–over 50 of us, are strong supporters of human spaceflight. We are writing to urge you to fully fund NASA’s plan to use commercial companies to carry crew to the Space Station because it is critical to the health of the Nation’s human spaceflight efforts.
Among us are former NASA executives and advisors, former astronauts, CEOs and directors of firms large and small, space scientists, space journalists, and others. We include 14 former NASA astronauts, 5 former NASA senior executives, 13 educators and nonprofit leaders, and 24 space industry leaders from a wide variety of firms and institutions, both large and small.
We are a diverse group, but we are only a tiny fraction of the Nation’s citizens who support U.S. leadership in human space flight and the development of competitive commercial human spaceflight.”