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ARC to Host 2009 ISU Summer Session

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
March 7, 2007

NASA ARC Internal Memo: NASA ARC Selected as Site for International Space University Summer Session in 2009

“Over 100 of the world’s brightest students and professionals in aerospace will come to Ames’ Research Park for nine weeks to study and work on projects directly relevant to NASA’s mission. This endeavor will strengthen NASA’s global leadership in space exploration and support for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. This will be the first time in ISU’s 22-year history that its Summer Session Program is held at a NASA center. Ames can be proud of its leadership in bringing the world’s future in space exploration together to chart a revitalized global partnership as NASA leads America’s Vision for Space Exploration.”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.