JPL PAO Whines By Proxy About Being Misunderstood
A Worldwide Game of “Telephone” Distorts NASA Meeting, Planetary Society
“Such failures in truth-telling are pernicious and, now that the Internet can spread falsehoods as fast as electrons can travel through wires and electromagnetic signals can travel through the air, they are nearly impossible to stop. This particular falsehood spread like an Internet game of “Telephone,” where each time another reporter repeated the misconception, it morphed into something even farther from reality and more damaging.”
Keith’s note: I asked NASA PAO – more than once – for clarification on this event and no one ever got back to me. No one from PAO reached out to me to try and correct the record or comment on the articles I linked to from NASA Watch. Moreover, I do not see any clarification by JPL PAO here , or here
If NASA JPL PAO is as outraged as it would seem that they are, then where’s their clarification about this event? I can’t find it. Instead of complaining about “bad reporting” JPL PAO needs to get off their posteriors and respond to email inquiries and be a little more proactive. It has been more than 2 weeks since this “story” went viral. If indeed this was all “damaging” as JPL’s semi-official cheeleaders at the Planetary Society suggest, then someone should have tried to do something much more prominent, and do so a lot sooner – and not leave it to someone else to do well after the “damage” has been done.
JPL’s Bad Movie Pick For 2010: “2012”, NASA Watch’s earlier contribution to this evil viral damage done to JPL.