Moon Water News Stories
NASA Instruments Reveal Water Molecules on Lunar Surface
“NASA scientists have discovered water molecules in the polar regions of the moon. Instruments aboard three separate spacecraft revealed water molecules in amounts that are greater than predicted, but still relatively small. Hydroxyl, a molecule consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, also was found in the lunar soil. The findings were published in Thursday’s edition of the journal Science.”
New research shows water present across the moon’s surface – It turns out the moon is a lot wetter than we ever thought, University of Tennessee Knoxville
“To some extent, we were fooled,” said Taylor, a distinguished professor of earth and planetary sciences, who has studied the moon since the original Apollo missions. “Since the boxes leaked, we just assumed the water we found was from contamination with terrestrial air.”
Brown Scientists Announce Finding of Water on the Moon
“Brown University scientists have made a major discovery: The moon has distinct signatures of water. The discovery came from a paper published in Science detailing findings from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), a NASA instrument aboard the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-1. Carle Pieters, professor of geological sciences at Brown, is the principal investigator of the M3 instrument and the lead author of the Science paper.”
Deep Impact Spacecraft Finds Clear Evidence of Water on Moon, University of Maryland
“Deep Impact was not designed to study the Moon, but for a famous 2005 mission in which it successfully knocked a hole in comet Tempel 1 to find out what was inside. Its data on lunar water were obtained as part of calibration opportunities that occurred during June 2009 and December 2007 flybys of the Earth and Moon needed to get adequate gravity boosts to travel on its EPOXI mission to a second comet, Hartley 2, which the spacecraft will encounter in November 2010.”