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NASA Watch on NewsHour

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
December 5, 2006

Editor’s note: I had a chance to discuss the new Lunar architecture on PBS Newshour this evening. You can listen to an audio file here: MP3Real Audio

Transcript of PBS NewsHour Interview with NASAWatch. com Editor Keith Cowing 5 December 2006

“But in terms of it being an endeavor that the American people and possibly other nations are going to be asked to spend billions of dollars, I do think NASA — and they’re working on this — but I do think NASA has to come up with some crisper answers, ones that just don’t reach to one part of the populous, but to young people, as well as your Joe six-pack, to people who are retired and wondering who’s going to be paying their medical bills.”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.