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Today's Interesting Tweets

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
July 23, 2009

brianshiro: Webcast with the FMARS crew tomorrow [Thursday] morning 10:30 Eastern on
brianshiro The FMARS website is really shaping up:
NASA_Spinoff NASA Spinoff featured on CNN:…
NASA_HSF The subgroups are meeting and reviewing the results of each group’s analysis to date.
NewHorizons2015 The NH team is preparing for a major meeting Aug 3-4 to ID needed changes from a detailed audit of the Pluto encounter command sequence.
singularityu The first three weeks in pictures at the Singularity University #singularityu
PavilionLake Highlights of our field science and exploration season available here:
OnOrbit Video: Solar Eclipse As Seen From Orbit

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.