Does it even Matter who is Administrator?
19 December 2004: Departing NASA Administrator O’Keefe’s tenure offers a case study that warns us what the space agency shouldn’t do next, Editorial, Houston Chronicle
“What NASA does not need is another administrator who can count the beans but can’t see to the stars.”
18 December 2004: NASA: Only the bold need apply, OpEd, Cooky Oberg, Houston Chronicle
“Worse, the arrogant, defensive, know-it-all NASA culture that was blamed for the Columbia disaster by the panel that investigated the calamity has not been changed or reformed by O’Keefe — inviting speculation that trouble lies ahead. More than at any time in its history, NASA needs some tough love. President Bush will need to appoint a no-nonsense NASA administrator who has the technical background to understand space systems and the implications of his decisions — something O’Keefe lacked with his narrow, bean-counting background.”
Editor’s note: You know, after reading these OpEds, and comments from NASA Watch readers, I am almost certain that the media (who have never worked at NASA) – and the employees of NASA (who do work there) – are never going to be satisified with who is at the helm of NASA.