Griffin Press Conference Excerpts (More to follow)
Editor’s note: On personnel changes at HQ: Griffin said there would be some but would only provide specifics on one: that Scott Pace, “a non career SES”, would lead a new Program Analysis and Evaluation Office.
On CEV acceleration: “we are going to rethink our entire program in that area because, as is well known, publicly released, we’re talking about flying the CEV with crew in 2014. Members of Congress have indicated to me that they consider that unacceptable. People in the Executive branch have indicated that they think that it is not advisable. And it doesn’t work for me either. So, we’re going to be reviewing those plans. If that requires that we delay the responses to the RFP that is out on the street, then so be it. Better to take a little time up front and get what we really want.”
On Roadmapping: “I don’t think that the roadmap activities are on a pace that is consistent with the decision making that we have to do. I will probably be establishing focused, small teams, representing a breadth of experience throughout NASA – throughout the centers – and targeted other institutions as necessary in order to be helping with some of these larger scale architectural issues.”