NASA Credit Cards: Christmas Trees, t-shirts, and iPods
Review shows NASA employees bought seemingly personal items, AP
“Among the transactions questioned by NASA investigators last year were 393 charges to a graphics support vendor totaling more than $235,000 – so much money that not bidding the purchases competitively may have been illegal, documents show. “That should send up a red flag,” said Scott Amey, general counsel of the Project on Government Oversight, a government watchdog organization. “You have to ask: Is somebody trying to get around competitive requirements?”
NASA employees big spenders on government credit, Houston Chronicle
“NASA employees have made numerous charges for seemingly personal items, including custom-engraved iPods and a Christmas tree. About $270 worth of T-shirts and hats purchased from a NASA gift shop were justified by one cardholder as “safety attire,” and one former civil servant pleaded guilty to embezzlement charges last year after spending more than $157,000 on things including jewelry, electronics and an air conditioner for her home.”
Report on NASA ignites call for credit card crackdown, Houston Chronicle
“Congressional supporters of a bill meant to curb government credit card abuse called Monday for stricter sanctions — including termination and jail time — against employees who misuse the cards at NASA, as well as other agencies.”