NEO Report Update
Editor’s note: The entire NASA report is now available at the NASA FOIA website. Too bad it took FOIA requests to get it released. Too bad as well that you have to look for it on NASA’s FOIA website (not a frequent hot spot on the web for the general public) or rely on websites like NASA Watch to point out its location. Congress directed NASA to do this study. Moreover, this is an important topic. As such, a link should be prominently placed on NASA’s home page. Otherwise, the somewhat incorrect perception that NASA is trying to hide this report is going to become harder to refute.
– NASA Near-Earth Object Survey and Deflection Analysis of Alternatives Report to Congress
– Update on NASA NEO Report Release, previous post
– Independent Analysis of Alternatives To Divert a NEO on a Likely Collision Course With Earth
– NASA Workshop: Near-Earth Object Detection, Characterization, and Threat Mitigation – Call For Papers
– NASA Strategic Management Council Meeting: 2006 Near-Earth Object Survey and Deflection Study
– Complete NASA Report “2006 Near Earth Object Survey and Deflection Study” Online at B612 Foundation Website
NASA analysis of asteroid risk deeply flawed, critics say, New Scientist
“Critics also blasted NASA for failing to publish the longer analysis that led to the report. That analysis, which took the form of a 271-page report, was circulated only to study group members and labelled “final report” a mistake a NASA spokesman blamed on “stupidity”. The spokesman also said NASA had decided “a short, concise report would be more helpful” than a detailed one, and that the agency is waiting for direction and a budget from Congress and the Administration.”
– B612 Foundation Posts Entire NASA NEO Report, earlier post
– Update on NASA NEO Report, earlier post