ARC Falls Short of Buyout Target: Contractor Cuts Ahead
NASA ARC Internal Memo: Message from the Director – Follow-up to Buyout
“On January 7, I promised to keep you informed. This message is to describe the Center’s status now that the second buy-out window has closed. As you may have heard already, Ames has not achieved its target on the buyout. Despite a surge at the end, only 34 people took the buyout. You recall that we needed 80 people to take the buyout in order to reduce uncovered capacity, and maintain stable overhead rates (and therefore the Center’s competitive posture).”
GRC reader comment: “It is interesting that the Ames center director has announced the job fairs that will be held at ARC, LARC, GRC and MSFC. GRC management has not bothered to tell us about this. Apparently they don’t want to upset us.”
LaRC reader comment: Having seen the comment from the GRC person saying that they’ve not been told about the upcoming job fairs, I thought that I’d let you know that we at Langley have been told about them, although in a relatively low-key way, so that many people might not have even recognized what we were being told.”