NASA Workforce Hearing
Witnesses Say That NASA Workforce Must Be Ready for Future Challenges, House Science and Technology Committee
“Dr. David Black, co-chair of the Committee on Meeting the Workforce Needs for the National Vision for Space Exploration at the National Research Council, summed up the current workforce challenge, saying, “NASA has too few program and project managers and systems engineers with the requisite experience in human spaceflight systems development to successfully oversee Vision for Space Exploration projects.”
Lee Stone testifies before Congress, Ames Federal Employees Union
“As many of you have heard, our own VP of Legislative Affairs, Dr. Leland Stone, testified before the Subcommittee for Space & Aeronautics, a House subcommittee of the Space & Technology Committee. The hearing subject was, “Building and Maintaining a Healthy and Strong NASA Workforce”. Lee represented IFPTE employees at NASA before the subcommittee and provided written testimony to the subcommittee. This is the second time he has testified before this subcommittee.”