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How OMB Prioritizes What NASA Wants
How OMB Prioritizes What NASA Wants

Commentary: Beyond the decadal surveys: Establishing policy for US space science, Physics Today “A surprisingly small number of individuals at the OMB are involved in space science: the director of the OMB and the associate director for natural resource programs, both of whom are political appointees; the deputy associate director for the energy, science, and water division; and the fewer than 10 individuals who make up the division’s science and […]

  • NASA Watch
  • December 2, 2019
Is NASA SMD Following the Decadal Survey?

Let NASA Pursue a Balanced Planetary Exploration Program, Planetary Society “We must also emphasize that the serious budget cuts to NASA’s Planetary Science Division have not been averted. The new rover mission is conceived to fit within the already reduced budget environment proposed by the Obama Administration in February 2012, which, if fully implemented, would result in deep cuts across the entire planetary exploration program. Likely outcomes include early termination […]

  • NASA Watch
  • January 29, 2013