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Is This A Preview of Hillary Clinton's Space Policy?
Is This A Preview of Hillary Clinton's Space Policy?

If elected, Hillary Clinton vows to ‘get to the bottom’ of the UFO mystery, Geekwire “If we were visited someday I wouldn’t be surprised,” he said. “I just hope that it’s not like ‘Independence Day.’” When Hillary Clinton was asked about those comments and the prospects for getting a visit from extraterrestrials, she replied, “I think we may have been.[visited already]. We don’t know for sure.” Her campaign chairman, John […]

  • NASA Watch
  • January 4, 2016
Trump on Space
Trump on Space

For Donald Trump, fixing potholes is a higher priority than NASA, Mashable “In the old days, it [NASA] was great. Right now, we have bigger problems, you understand that,” Trump said. “We have to fix our potholes. We don’t exactly have a lot of money.” Right now NASA receives roughly one half of 1% of the overall federal budget each year, amounting to about $18 billion allocated to the space […]

  • NASA Watch
  • November 12, 2015
Space As 2016 Election Issue
Space As 2016 Election Issue

‘Space Guy’ Jeb Bush Would Increase Funding To NASA, Huff Post “If elected president in 2016, Jeb Bush would propose an increase in funding to NASA. “I’m a space guy,” Bush said in a Wednesday sit-down with the New Hampshire Union Leader’s editorial board. The former of governor of Florida, where a large portion of the country’s aerospace industry resides, said he would also support increasing federal spending on research […]

  • NASA Watch
  • July 8, 2015
Obama Space Endorsements

Astronauts, Business Owners, and Space Leaders Agree: Obama Vision for Space Exploration Ensures a Brighter Future, “Sunday night’s successful SpaceX launch marks another extraordinary new milestone in space. It also provides an opportunity to assess the significant advances we’ve seen in just four years on Florida’s Space Coast. … We, the undersigned, believe that President Obama’s vision for growing America’s leadership in space through investments in U.S. commercial space […]

  • NASA Watch
  • October 8, 2012
Romney's Space Policy – Still TBD? (Updated)

Romney’s silence on NASA’s future worries space fans, Orlando Sentinel “Congressional and industry sources said Romney’s vagueness also could be attributed to divisions within his own team. His advisers include former NASA chief Mike Griffin, who championed Constellation and the big-government approach of exploring space. But other Romney aides are said to support, at least philosophically, Obama’s push to rely more on the private sector to send astronauts into orbit, […]

  • NASA Watch
  • September 2, 2012
Obama Talks Space on Reddit

Are you considering increasing funds to the space program?, Reddit President Obama: “Making sure we stay at the forefront of space exploration is a big priority for my administration. The passing of Neil Armstrong this week is a reminder of the inspiration and wonder that our space program has provided in the past; the curiosity probe on mars is a reminder of what remains to be discovered. The key is […]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 29, 2012
Gene Cernan: President Obama "didn't literally grow up here"

Ex-astronaut Eugene Cernan steps on Obama, Politico “I don’t think he fully understands what traditional America is all about, because he didn’t literally grow up here,” the Apollo 17 commander told Fox News’s Neil Cavuto. “I don’t think that I could convince him why this is important. I don’t know that he wants America to be first. I don’t know that he doesn’t want us to play on a more […]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 22, 2012
Ryan on NASA

A conversation with Paul Ryan about Medicare reform, Cuba and NASA, ABC Action News “Ryan, who voted against the 2008 and 2010 NASA Authorization Acts, said he believed in a “robust space program.” He said the space agency, which has shed thousands of jobs after the retirement of the space shuttle and the cancelation of its Constellation program, was an “invaluable asset to our national security.” “President Obama has advanced […]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 20, 2012
Mitt Romney and His Space Advisor Mike Griffin Disagree on China

Romney Taunts Chinese Moon Landing Plans, TPM (with video) “On the campaign trail in Florida – home of the Space Coast – Monday, Romney taunted Chinese plans to land an unmanned probe on the on the moon in 2013. Romney: “This is still the greatest nation on earth. I know there are people around the world who are always critical of America, have something negative to say, say our greatest […]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 14, 2012
Obama Campaign Asks Romney Campaign About Space

As NASA Announces Partnerships With Commercial Crew Program, Floridians Worry About Romney’s Silence On Space Policy, Obama for America-Florida “As Floridians have seen President Obama’s continued commitment on moving our nation’s space program forward, Mitt Romney refuses to answer even the most basic questions surrounding space policy. He won’t say if he supports President Obama’s efforts to support and grow America’s commercial space industry, and as each day passes, it […]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 4, 2012