Keith’s note: I was on i24 TV in Israel today to talk about the upcoming Axiom-2 (AX2) mission to the ISS. In a nutshell I think my main point is that what was once monolithic i.e. a large rich country sent its generic employee astronauts into space to do mission X to now where many people go up via many different arrangements to do many different things. And who they are as a person becomes more important – and more interesting – than the fact that they are an “astronaut” in a rocketship. And that is a good thing. Audio. Video clip below.
(more…)Keith’s note: A few minutes ago I spoke with i24 TV news in Israel about the launch of Crew-6 and the trip by Sultan Al Neyadi who will be the first UAE citizen to live and work on the International Space Station. The international aspects of ISS operations as well as space exploration in general were the main themes of the interview. Audio. Video Link below.