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Dumpster Diving for Science

According to Science magazine: NASA Dives Into Its Past to Retrieve Vintage Satellite Data: “They cleaned, rebuilt, and reassembled one drive, then designed and built equipment to convert the analog signals into an exact 16-bit digital copy. “It was like dumpster diving for science,” says Cowing, co-team leader at LOIRP. In November 2008, the team recovered their first image: a famous picture of an earthrise taken by Lunar Orbiter 1 […]

  • NASA Watch
  • March 5, 2013
A Weather Report From the Moon

Nimbus II and Lunar Orbiter 1 Imagery: A New Look at Earth in 1966, Moonviews “To date some of the images taken by Nimbus II have been enhanced and mapped into Google Earth. One date in particular was of interest to the LOIRP – 23 August 1966. As the images were enhanced and dropped into Google Earth it became clear that we have imagery that overlapped in time to show […]

  • NASA Watch
  • March 10, 2010
Google Earth Images From 1966

Technoarcheology and Earth Sciences, the Recovery of Nimbus II High Resolution Infrared Radiometer Data “In 2008 the Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project (LOIRP) began a NASA ESMD sponsored project to resurrect 43+ year old Ampex FR-900 instrumentation tape drives for the purpose of recovering, before the capability to do so becomes impossible, the last surviving master tapes from the five Lunar Orbiter spaceraft that orbited the Moon in support of […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 13, 2010