A Look at What the Public Knows and Does Not Know About Science, Pew Research “Fully 73% of Americans distinguish between astronomy and what is commonly considered a pseudoscience: astrology. Twenty-two percent of Americans incorrectly say that astronomy not astrology is the study of how the positions of stars and planets can influence human behavior. Another 5% give some other incorrect response.” Major Gaps Between the Public, Scientists on Key […]
Public opinion polls and perceptions of US human spaceight, Roger Lanius (2003) “A belief exists in the United States about public support for NASA’s human spaceight activities. Many hold that NASA and the cause of the human exploration of space enjoyed outstanding public support and condence in the 1960s during the era of Apollo and that public support waned in the post- Apollo era, only to sink to quite low […]
Americans Back Space Exploration, Know Little About Proposed Policy Changes, Everett Group ‘Space Poll’ Finds “As Pres. Barack Obama vows continued commitment to space exploration, including increased funding to explore the solar system and the ultimate goal of landing astronauts on Mars, he finds support from many Americans. Most Americans have a positive image of NASA, the country’s space agency, and one-third say it’s very important to them that the […]