NASA Announcement of Partnership Opportunity for Notification Tool for International Space Station Sightings, NASA SOMD “Currently, NASA has several ways the public can learn about ISS sighting opportunities, including NASA SkyWatch. However, NASA’s websites do not disseminate this information to the public- the public must seek it out proactively instead. NASA seeks to increase public awareness of the ISS, its visibility, and mission by making ISS sighting information, including personalized […]
Early Morning Skywatching and Teaching Satellite Concepts to Sherpas “I got up early today to see the ISS and Endeavour fly over my house. Its always cool to see them flying in formation like this. This morning’s viewing was at 4:48 am low in the North, so I was not sure I’d see things due to the brightening sky. As the two vehicles approached from due West I could only […]