TEA Party Space Platform “TEA Party in Space (TPIS), a non-partisan organization, today publicly released the TEA Party Space Platform “This is our response to the vacuum of leadership in Washington, D.C., for America’s national space enterprise,” said Andrew Gasser, President of TPIS. “Whether it’s timidity from the White House or Congress’ earmark-laden ‘compromises’, our space dreams will be stuck on this planet unless someone articulates a vision based on […]
“Tea Party”
Conservative, Free-Market Leaders Call for Competitive Market in U.S. Spaceflight Keith’s note: I have been (attempting) to listen to the media dial-in for this event today but it is mostly mumbling (bad audio). Only Bob Walker was clear (and making sense). They also showed a video by a Tea Party evangelist (link in the press release). The Tea Party was mentioned frequently by speakers. The only PR for this event […]