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WikiLeaks, Blink 182, John Podesta, and UFOs
WikiLeaks, Blink 182, John Podesta, and UFOs

WikiLeaks Reveals UFO ?Messages in Clinton Campaign Emails, Wall Street Journal (subscription) “The former lead singer of the band Blink 182 was in recent contact with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta about UFOs, newly disclosed emails show. Tom DeLonge, who was the guitarist for the power punk trio best known for songs like “Dammit” and “What’s My Age Again,” emailed Mr. Podesta at least twice. He wrote in cryptic […]

  • NASA Watch
  • October 11, 2016
Heads Up NASA HQ Folks: Avoid WikiLeaks at Work

NASA Internal memo: Message to Headquarters Employees Regarding WikiLeaks and Government Requirements on Handling Classified Information “This is a reminder for all employees that classified information, even if posted in the public domain, remains classified and should not be accessed, downloaded, copied, or retransmitted utilizing Government IT resources or equipment. Although information posted to WikiLeaks is in the public domain, the information remains classified. The NASA Headquarters Information Technology and […]

  • NASA Watch
  • December 3, 2010