Update on Change.gov Question Feature
Editor’s note: Have a look at the “Open for Questions” feature at Change.gov. Searching for “NASA” produced 116 questions. “climate” resulted in 208 questions, and “space” resulted in 262 questions. Searching for “education” resulted in 2,375 questions, and “economy” resulted in 2,551 questions. Based on this unscientific sample, it would seem that education and the economy are ten times more important than NASA or climate change.
Of course, if people started to submit more questions regarding NASA – questions related to NASA’s role in the economy and education, that would change. Right now, searching for “NASA education” only yelded 6 questions and “NASA economy” only yielded 5. This is a curious result given all of the energy NASA and its supporters put out regarding NASA’s contributions to the economy and its role in inspiring the next generation. Then again, it seeming reflects the fact that at least among the people submitting questions thus far, they either do not get exposed to NASA PR and/or do not make the same connections between NASA, education, and the economy, that NASA supporters want them to. Now is as good a time as any for NASA supporters to make the effort to highlight those thematic connections.
Oh yes: searching for “NASA Griffin” only yielded 6 questions, 50% of which are not exactly Pro-Griffin. Contrast this with Doc Horowitz’s heavily censored petition which is apparently scoured many times a day so as to remove any and all dissent, thus producing the appearance of a 99.99998% positive rating for Mike Griffin. Perhaps Rebecca Griffin should send out another email to Washington insiders and NASA employees in her Rolodex urging people to post pro-Mike Griffin questions at Change.gov so as to skew the search results in Mike’s favor…