Apply Now To Be On The National Space Council Users' Advisory Group
NASA Invitation for Public Nominations of U.S. Citizens for Potential Service on the National Space Council Users’ Advisory Group
“NASA announces an invitation for public nominations of U.S. citizens to serve as potential members of the National Space Council Users’ Advisory Group (UAG). The UAG is a new Federal advisory committee under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) being established pursuant to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1991 (Pub. L. 101611, Section 121) and Executive Order 13803, Section 6 (”Reviving the National Space Council”) signed by the President on June 30, 2017. The UAG is purely advisory and will ensure that the interests of industry and other non- Federal entities are adequately represented in the deliberations of the National Space Council. NASA is sponsoring the UAG on behalf of the National Space Council, an Executive Branch interagency coordinating committee chaired by the Vice President, which is tasked with advising and assisting the President on national space policy and strategy. Members of the UAG will serve either as ”Representatives” (representing industry, other non-Federal entities, and other recognizable groups of persons involved in aeronautical and space activities), or as ”Special Government Employees” (individual subject matter experts or consultants).”
Any words or direction on how to apply?
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Jeff Waksman, Designated Federal Officer/Executive Secretary, NASA Headquarters, 300 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20546, phone: 202–358–3758 or email: [email protected].
Wonder if you can nominate yourself as an interested, retired, (RFNA) “acid-on-the-hands rocket engineer”? Been involved in aerospace before the word was coined, and since “Uncle” Wernher was in Colliers and on Disney’s Tomorrow Land T.V. show. Wonder if they’ll even listen to whomever is actually selected?
Yes, the typical process for this sort of position allows self-nominations. But I wouldn’t waste your time. Typically, they’ve already decided on who they want, and the nominally open process is just window dressing.
And having perpetual “good-ol-boys” clubs instead of a rationally observed meritocracy is why this country will never grow out of the dark ages.