Is Trump Going To A Rocket Launch?
Reader note from Kevin “I noticed a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) over Melbourne that looks identical to the TFR’s over Palm Beach International the last two weekends for Trump’s stays at Mar-a-Lago. The Melbourne TFR matches the SpaceX launch window suggesting POTUS will be viewing the launch. I wonder if POTUS will then announce a new space policy to return to the moon from Pad 39a, but this time with commercial rockets. See for details on the TFR’s”
Keith’s note: When I asked NASA PAO they said that Trump is not attending a launch but that he will be “close”.
Launches are far too unreliable to attract the Prez. I’d go up to the Cape more often myself- I’m only about 4 hours away- but they just scrub too often.
How far is Melbourne from KSC? If it’s under an hour’s drive (or helicopter flight, assuming you had one) a clever person might find a reason to be near KSC at the time of a launch and make an unscheduled side trip if the countdown got to minus sixty minutes. I know I’d do something like that.
About an hour to KSC from Melbourne. Probably 30-40 minute to someplace you can see the launch. Much closer as the crow flies.
Tump will be in Melbourne FL Saturday which isn’t too far from KSC.
President Trump won the election in November. It’s February. Why is he having a rally in the first place? Ugh. Our tax dollars at work…
His ego desperately needs the adulation.
Announce to return to the moon from pad 39A? I don’t think President’s decide which launch pad missions are launched from or tell private companies what their destinations will be. Nice try though.