Has the Luster Faded?
17 May 2004: AFL-CIO Dumps on Bush Space Vision
“Today I announce a new plan to explore space. Human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond. We may discover resources on the moon or Mars that will boggle the imagination. Human beings are headed into the cosmos”
His priorities are in the wrong place”
Editor’s note: What an odd stance for a union to take. Think of all the new jobs that would be created – and many of them would no doubt be high-paying UNION jobs. And despite the silly suggestion to the contrary, every penny will be spent on Earth – most of it as salary.
16 May 2004: Deficit, war costs may shortchange moon, Mars goals, Houston Chronicle
“Four months after a ceremonious unveiling, President Bush’s strategy to recapture the nation’s Apollo-era glory by sending human explorers to the moon and Mars has stalled. After urgent calls for the White House to lead NASA’s recovery from the Columbia shuttle accident with a new road map for exploration, Congress is scoffing at the $12 billion down payment.”