#NASA PAO will continue to ignore an immense #softpower capability that NASA quietly developed over the past 10 yr. You'd think that @Pinballme Marc Etkind, the Biden pick to run @NASA outreach with his global TV experience, would see this potential & run with it #BuildBackBetter https://t.co/BiIhwrcJ4p — NASA Watch (@NASAWatch) September 8, 2021
NASA Weekly Update from the Administrator – Oct. 5, 2020 “Shout Out: NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge concluded yesterday, and it was a huge success! This 9th annual hackathon invited designers, coders and programmers to use NASA, and partner space agency, data to tackle real-world problems. The Science Mission Directorate led this fantastic effort, which drew more than 26,000 participants from around the world. Thank you to everyone on the […]
I am so excited to see the incredible solutions and ideas being developed by people around the world using NASA open source data in this weekend’s @SpaceApps Challenge. Learn more: https://t.co/nOh7g50akU #SpaceApps pic.twitter.com/qfiRl6vvph — Thomas Zurbuchen (@Dr_ThomasZ) October 4, 2020 We have finished 2 days of SpaceApps Tokyo 2020! We will send out "cosmicsound2020" and "Team_Senrigan" to the global competition. See you next year! #spaceapps #spaceappstokyo pic.twitter.com/0420TLJmxp — SpaceApps Tokyo […]
FWIW @JimBridenstine it is exciting to see entities outside of the US & around the world are excited about @NASA @SpaceApps but that excitement is tempered by disappointing & tepid visibility @NASA itself gives to this example of pervasive soft power FYI @Dr_ThomasZ @KathyLueders https://t.co/PXu56cQhR4 — NASA Watch (@NASAWatch) August 31, 2020