Why Be Accurate?
“A group of high school students from Wendover, Utah, is learning that life presents more opportunities than any of them ever thought possible. The students are members of the NASA Club at Wendover High School, a NASA Explorer Schools team since 2004. The NES project and the NASA Club have opened many doors for Wendover students, including seeing science experiments they designed launch into space on rockets.”
Editor’s note: Nice article. Alas, NASA has ignored the fact that these students only attended this event due to generosity of NASA Watch readers – most notably the IFPTE. The impression you are left from reading this NASA version of events is that NASA paid for the trip. Oh well. Why be accurate? I think it says a lot about the space community and NASA employees that they chipped in to pay for a trip for a bunch of kids none of them had ever met.
Help These Students See Their Experiment Launched
“Dear NASA Watch, My name is Carolyn Bushman. I teach at Wendover High School, Utah’s only NASA Explorer School. … this year I’m facing a similar dilemma Due to cut backs the sub-sem is no longer happening, but the NES brought my attention to a new opportunity of having an experiment flown out of New Mexico. My students submitted an experiment and got it accepted. … I petitioned to the district to allow the trip to happen. On Tuesday, I received word that the trip can happen if I raise the money.”
Trip Report: Miss Bushman’s Class Has A NASA Rocket Adventure in New Mexico
“I just want to thank you for giving us money. Without you this trip wouldn’t be possible. I think we will do a fine job telling people about our experiences at the NASA Family night in our school. We just hope we inspire students to stay in school and become something in life. I am going to personally tell people to join the NASA Club so they can one day go on a trip like I did and see how fun it is to go on this adventures that you may only see one for the rest of your life. Thank you so much for what you have done. I hope you enjoy reading my story that I just typed. I hope that students will become more interested in these kinds of trips.”
Letter: IFPTE makes Donation To Utah School For Student Trip to White Sands