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Newsweek on How NASA PAO Should Operate

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
December 15, 2007

A Galaxy of PR Woe – Critiquing NASA’s handling of a strange space walk, Newsweek

“This week, NASA released e-mails offering a glimpse into how the agency handled the scandal. One officer’s e-mail suggested trying Nowak (who, along with her love interest, is no longer a member of the astronaut corps) in military court to limit media access, a suggestion the agency quickly dismissed. So how did the space crew do in fending off these public-relations asteroids? NEWSWEEK spoke with Gene Grabowski, vice president of Washington, D.C.-based Levick Strategic Communications, who worked damage control on the national pet-food recalls and the toxic Chinese toy imports earlier this year.”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.