Who Will Be The Next Administrator of NASA?
Editor’s update: This week: Ed Weiler’s campaign to promote himself and discredit others – all while using smoke and mirrors – and moving goal posts.
Editor’s 23 Sep note: As the Bush Administration comes to an end, post-election speculation with regard to NASA has begun to take on some momentum. Will Obama or McCain keep Mike Griffin on?
For what it is worth, my sources close to both campaigns (and potential transition teams) are rather blunt: “No” and No”.
As such, it would seem that the hunt will commence after the election for someone to replace Griffin. As always, lots of names swirl around. Most of these names circulate with no knowledge – or approval – of the individuals being mentioned. Some of the folks mentioned are openly mortified that they are being mentioned.
Then there is a much smaller group – people who have openly “expressed interest” or “let it be known” that they’d like to be the next Administrator. Mike Griffin did this when he had a shot several years ago. At the present time, several people are openly campaigning for the job albeit behind the scenes. Members of Congress and other allies are being slowly assembled, and folks within and outside the agency are getting messages – good and bad – about the prospects.
In the coming weeks we’ll look at the people who are openly seeking the job. Meanwhile, NASA Watch will do its best to avoid all the names that simply float about – until or unless they gain some significant traction in terms of serious consideration.
Oh yes: no suggestions or nominations, please – at least not yet.