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Pete Olson's Thoughts on NASA

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
February 17, 2009

Lets work to keep NASA on course back to moon, opinion, Rep. Pete Olson, Houston Chronicle
“During the debate on the economic stimulus proposals in the House, many different standards were used by my colleagues to justify policies and proposals eligible for funding. But there are some standards that are universally accepted as ones worthy of government investment: Does it advance our national interests, does it create jobs and does it serve as a worthwhile investment both in time, energy and resources? Our nations space program meets these criteria. It has throughout its rich history and, based on current and scheduled missions, it will in the future. The debate across our government generally, and frankly within NASA specifically, about funding priorities is a good one. A blank check, especially written by the government, is not a good management incentive for innovation in my opinion.”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.