Looks Like MOD Can Overrule JSC (and NASA HQ) PAO
NASA JSC MOD Memo: Policy on Use of Social Media
“Reply to Attn of : DA-09-010
TO: All MOD Personnel
FROM: DA/Director, Mission Operations
SUBJECT: Policy on Use of Social Media
The following is MOD policy for use of “social media” (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). This policy is consistent with JSC Announcement 08-032 and NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 2540.1F “Policy on Personal Use of Government Office Equipment Including Information Technology.”
This policy applies to all MOD employees: NASA, NASA contractor, and subcontractor personnel who are authorized by contract to use Government office equipment.
NASA employees and contractors are permitted limited use of Government office equipment for personal needs if the use does not interfere with official business and involves only minimal additional expense to the Government. Personal use means uses other than for official Government business. Some personal use is considered inappropriate. Specific provisions regarding personal use and activities particularly considered inappropriate are identified in NPD 2540.1F*. More specifically, section e, paragraph 10, defines “Inappropriate Personal Uses” to include: “Use for posting Agency information to external newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other public forums without authority.”
To be compliant, MOD will enforce a policy of not permitting the posting to “social” sites of mission operations information that has not been released by the Public Affairs Office (PAO). This includes, but is not limited to, realtime information. PAO is responsible for posting such information.
Original Signed by:
Paul S. Hill”
* (10) Use for posting Agency information to external newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other public forums without authority. This includes any use that could create the perception that the communication was made in one’s official capacity as a Federal Government employee or uses at odds with NASA’s mission or positions. Inappropriate use also includes participating in Chat Rooms, News Groups, or other similar activities where the posting and NASA internet address will be seen by the public. Adding a disclosure statement that the views expressed do not represent those of the Agency is not an acceptable alternative.
Keith’s note: Wow. So … MOD can pre-emptively make decisions that JSC (and NASA) PAO should be making. How dysfunctional. This is certainly in overt conflict with what the White House wants all Federal agencies to be doing so as to be “transparent” and “open”. Stay tuned.