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NASA's Not So "Public" Day for ISS National Lab Plans

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
December 10, 2010
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Release of NASA Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice – ISS National Laboratory Management Entity
“The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Operations Mission Directorate is releasing a draft version of the future Cooperative Agreement Notice for the ISS National Laboratory Management Entity.”
Public Day for a ISS Cooperative Agreement Notice
“The Public Day will be held on Friday, December 10, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the NASA Headquarters James Webb Auditorium. … Only parties that have registered will be permitted to attend. No walk-in participants will be accepted.”
Keith’s 10 Dec update: Contrary to the official Federal Register note regarding this meeting, “walk-in participants” are most certainly being allowed into this meeting. Indeed, no one is being asked to provide proof of registration at all. You can just walk into the Webb Auditorium with no questions asked. This nonsense is typical of NASA – they say one thing and then ignore it. Net result: people who might otherwise have attended did not. There are cameras in the room but no indication that this will be webcast or broadcast.
Keith’s 9 Dec note: According to NASA TV’s posted schedule this “public” meeting will not be aired on NASA TV – live or otherwise. Given the short notice people were given to register and the preregistered-only admission policy, the number of people who will have a chance to actually understand what NASA wants to do with the ISS is going to be very small. I can certainly understand limits on physical attendence due seating limitations, but if NASA really wants to use the ISS – as a “national labratory” – one would think that they’d at least go out of their way to make this “public” meeting available on NASA TV i.e. “public”.
Keith’s 10 Dec update: I am going to try and post Twitter updates from the meeting here – assuming I can get a WiFi signal.
ISS National Lab Operator Sought, earlier post
Another Stealth NASA Report (Reference Model for the International Space Station, U.S. National Laboratory), earlier post

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.