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NASA New Vision Statement – Not so Popular

By Marc Boucher
NASA Watch
February 23, 2011
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twtpoll_vision.jpgWe asked and you answered. The question was do you like NASA’s new vision statement? “To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind.
Of the 649 respondents, overwhelmingly 74% of our readers answered no, you don’t like NASA’s new vision statement. The question is why? Let us and NASA know, your comments are welcome.
Vision statements for non-Visionaries, Paul Spudis, AIr & Space
“A seemingly trivial event has revealed some schadenfreude about NASA, along with a lot of irritation. Apparently (as is their wont) the fertile minds running our national space agency decided that the time has come (once again) for a new and improved vision statement – out with the old and in with something new. These would be harmless exercises except to the extent that taxpayer money is being spent to no real purpose (but if I got into that, there’d be no end to this post).”

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.