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National Space Council UAG Goes Through The Motions Of Being Interested

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
September 17, 2018
Filed under
National Space Council UAG Goes Through The Motions Of Being Interested

Keith’s note: Once again we see an exercise in checking the boxes with regard to the making of space policy. A White House-created committee of experts, hand-selected to focus on a desired ad somewhat pre-determiined outcome, goes through the motions of being interested in what people have to say. They only go to friendly locations where dissent or differences in opinion are unlikely – and consensus can be proclaimed by default. They never talk to anyone from the remaining 99.9999% of American electorate who ultimately pays for all of the shiny space toys.
Then, at their next meeting, they can show a Powerpoint chart with a group that they have reached out to with a check next to it. In this case the Users Advisory Group is almost entirely composed of either political favorites or representatives of large aerospace companies looking for more contracts from NASA and DOD. There are no real “users” of space on this panel. Nor are there any members from the next generation who will inherit and conduct America’s space activities. All we see are sellers. Yet another choir practice session amongst the usual suspects in an echo chamber.
In this case (see the AIAA photos below) the room is nearly empty and there is no webcast. The echo must be particularly evident this time – but there is no one there to (other than Jeff Foust) to notice.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

4 responses to “National Space Council UAG Goes Through The Motions Of Being Interested”

  1. Donald Barker says:

    And the wider community of scientists, engineers, educators and even the general public deserve exactly what is peddled out as the result because no one ever puts up a unified response or a loud enough complaint or holds the members accountable for their actions. No one should be surprised.

    • ThomasLMatula says:

      You mean like with the VSE where hearings were held in different cities across the country on what to do and then Dr. Griffin just ignored them going ahead on Project Constellation on his own anyway? But then that is always the problem when something is funded by the government and so decisions are left in the hands of a select group of experts. NASA charging ahead with the Gateway to no where is the prime example of that expert approach.

  2. Vladislaw says:

    (big dramatic sigh)

    There Kieth goes again … trying to make friends…