Why Is CASIS Making Itself Disappear?

International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory Annual Public Board Meeting
“On Friday, February 8, 2019, the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory will host its annual Public Board of Directors Meeting in Washington, D.C.”
Keith’s note: The press release says that “the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory will host its annual Public Board of Directors Meeting in Washington, D.C.” It sends you to this link: https://www.issnationallab.org where you see “(ISS) U.S. National Laboratory” at the top of the page. If you scroll down to the bottom you see “THE ISS NATIONAL LAB IS MANAGED BY THE CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT FOR SCIENCE IN SPACE, UNDER AGREEMENT WITH NASA. © COPYRIGHT 2011-2019 THE CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE IN SPACE, INC.”
This is not a “International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory” board meeting. There is no non-profit organization in existence by that name. There is a non-profit named CASIS – “The Center for the Advancement for Science in Space” – and this is their annual public meeting. But they don’t tell you that. The officers listed in this news release and on the agenda are officers for CASIS not for the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory. Oh yes: did I miss something? When was it announced that the ISS National Laboratory has a board of directors?
“CASIS” appears nowhere in the announcement or on the webpage. For that matter “NASA” is mentioned nowhere either. If you go to the original CASIS website address https://www.iss-casis.org/ you are automatically redirected to https://www.issnationallab.org/ “CASIS” is gone. If you go to the Internet archive you can see that a CASIS website existed as recently as 20 December 2018.
Who actually owns this “International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory” thing? Its not a non-profit. Its not a government agency. Its a thing created by Congress. CASIS does not own it – it just runs it. Or does it run the ISS National Lab since CASIS seems to be trying to make itself disappear and become the ISS National Lab instead. I wonder if the IRS knows that CASIS is operating under a new name and that it is using somewhat deceptive public statements so as to confuse people as to what this meeting is actually all about.
Meanwhile CASIS is off trying to quietly develop its own commercial entity. They have been talking to various companies about it (who are not exactly pleased to hear this). Is non-profit CASIS trying to simultaneously hide itself behind the ISS National Lab while rebranding and reinventing itself as a company to use ISS National Lab resources? Maybe they will answer this at their meeting. Stay tuned.
I think CASIS owns the “ISS National Lab'” moniker so they are probably representing themselves as the “ISS National Lab”. But regardless, no doubt NASA had to provide their approval since CASIS is a NASA contractor, right ??
They have to do something different because whatever they have done up til now has not worked. Its just been a waste of my taxpayer money.
Gee whiz, Keith! Do I have to spell it out for you?
Looks like Very Important People are working policy issues. These issues require unique set of experiences, that’s all, experiences that they happen to have, thankfully.
What’s more, didn’t you see those news releases? Lots of staff time is used on these releases, staff time that could be better used on other things – but CASIS is committed to full and open disclosure.
And besides, news releases are made available from time to time; these make your job easier. So, use them! Stop complaining!