Steve Jurczyk Will Be Acting NASA Administrator

Keith’s note: According to sources at NASA Headquarters, per standard protocol, when Jim Bridenstine and Jim Morhard leave NASA, Associate Administrator Steve Jurczyk will become the acting NASA Administrator. Given past history, Jurczyk will likely be in that position for 6 months or so. If the Democrats gain control of the Senate then an Administrator nominee will likely be approved sooner. If the Republicans retain control then that may take a while longer.
Just to clarify – the incoming Administration decides who will be acting Administrator. It does not have to be the AA – a career position that comes and goes with different Administrators. If there isn’t a nominee likely to be confirmed by January 20, the transition team will be asked for their recommendation, so likely not yet decided. People were confused about this in 2008/2009 when Griffin said he “selected” Scolese. We considered others, but ultimately named Scolese. We also would have had an Administrator announced in January or February if Senator Nelson hadn’t intervened.
So, Jurczyk will be acting at some point, for some period of time in the post‐ January 20th time frame. Thanks for the clarification Lori!
I’m just saying everything is speculation at this point. May or may not to have an acting and if there is, may or may not be Jurczyk. Time will tell.
I stand by what I wrote. NASA employees told me what they were told. They may have been told incorrect information but they were told what they were told and I am reporting what they were told.
Not disputing you heard it – just clarifying that it is not in fact “standard protocol”. Who serves in an acting capacity is a political decision made by the incoming Administration & at those decisions aren’t made until closer to inauguration. Peace out.
We do not know what the Transition Team has or has not said to NASA in this regard. I have reported what 3 sources employed at NASA Headquarters have told me. Nothing more.
Hmmm. I work with his wife. Maybe I should ask her what she heard?
He looks like he just got drafted into the Army.
Final word. Comments are closed after this.
1. No one knows what the Biden folks have or have not said about who is going to run NASA when Bridenstine and Morhard are gone. If they do then this website will be revised accordingly.
2. Here’s what the rules say. If Bridenstine and Morhard quit then someone has to run the place – and if the Biden folks have not said anything to the contrary (again we know nothing about that) then the process i.e. “standard protocol” – defaults to the Associate Administrator i.e. Jurczyk.
NPD 1000.3D Under Section 202(b) of the Space Act, the Deputy Administrator shall act for, and exercise the powers of the Administrator during his or her absence or disability. In the event that the Office of the Administrator becomes vacant, the Deputy Administrator shall serve as Acting Administrator immediately and automatically upon occurrence of the vacancy up to the appointment of a new Administrator, Presidential action under the Vacancies Reform Act, 5 U.S.C. 3345, or the expiration of authority under the Vacancies Reform Act. If both the Offices of the Administrator and Deputy Administrator are vacant, or if the Office of the Administrator is vacant and authority for the Deputy Administrator to serve under the Vacancies Reform Act has expired, no individual can serve as the Acting Administrator without Presidential action unless otherwise authorized by law. However, in that event, all authorities of the Administrator that may be legally delegated are delegated to the incumbent official in the following order of precedence: Deputy Administrator; Associate Administrator; Chief of Staff; Center Director for Johnson Space Flight Center; Center Director for Kennedy Space Center; and Center Director for Marshall Space Flight Center. In consultation with the General Counsel, such official exercising authority under this delegation shall also request Presidential action for the appointment of an Acting Administrator.