10 December 2001: Frederick Gregory Named Acting Associate Administrator for Space Flight, NASA HQ “Gregory, 60, is Associate Administrator for the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) at NASA Headquarters in Washington. He will replace Joseph H. Rothenberg, who retires Dec. 15.” 7 December 2001: President Bush to Nominate Kathie Olsen to OSTP Position, White House “The President intends to nominate Kathie L. Olsen to be Associate Director of […]
5 October 2001: Shuttle Commercialization All Hands at JSC Editor’s note: Word has it that Ron Dittemore, Space Shuttle Program Manager at JSC, will be holding an all-hands meeting today to discuss “shuttle commercialization”. According to NASA sources, Dittemore will be discussing an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) concept that has been developed that would operate the Space Shuttle program. This concept has been under development for the last 9 months. Dittemore […]
Dan Goldin received a grand send off last night at the Watergate in Washington DC while a crowd of 250 looked on. The settings were lavish – standard fare for the soirees that movers and shakers frequent here in Washington. The crowd was a curious mix of people from Washington’s political, industry, government, and media circles – all of whom paid $75 for either salmon or chicken as Dan Goldin was lauded for his accomplishments.