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Internal Email From Tom Whitmeyer To The Artemis Team

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
November 16, 2022
Filed under
Internal Email From Tom Whitmeyer To The Artemis Team
Artemis Launch Control

From: Whitmeyer, Tom (HQ-BE000)
Date: Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022, 2:54 PM
Subject: Congratulations

There is a tradition that you congratulate each other after a successful launch.

The reason for that is it takes everyone to have a successful launch.

The first launch of the worlds most powerful rocket, a deep space capsule, from a state of the art launch complex makes the traditional even more meaningful

Many people worked to get to this point NASA and our contractor partners.

Over many years and with incredible dedication.

Through unprecedented adversity including a pandemic crisis and 9 major storms.

Three major programs, a cross program team, incredible industry team, and international partners.

A National and international workforce.

Few can comprehend what that means, appreciate the sacrifices, or absorb the incredible engineering achievement that occurred late last night.

But many where touched by it.

So congratulations, you did it.

I hope each of you are proud of what was accomplished. You will have that honor to share forever.

Thank You


NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

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