Big Rocket – But Where Will It Go?
NASA’s New Space Launch System Announced – Destination TBD, SpaceRef
“Late last night and early this morning NASA, Congress, the White House – and the media – were all a buzz with the sudden announcement – that there would be an “announcement”. After months of subpoenas, contentious hearings, foot dragging, posturing, leaks, and press conferences, NASA, White House, and Congress had finally come to an agreement as to what the congressionally-mandated Space Launch System would look like and how much it would cost. … Of course, what is still lacking in this whole story is exactly what NASA will do with this big rocket. Missions to asteroids, Mars etc. are often tossed out by NASA representatives – but no timeline whatosever has yet to be presented – not even a “notional” one. Nor has an overall strategy or architecture been issued or any idea what the cost would be for the things that would actually fly on these rockets.”