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Orion Crash Photos and Videos Online – Finally

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
August 20, 2008

NASA Tests Launch Abort Parachute System – Releases Crash Photos

“NASA tested the parachutes for the recovery system on its Orion crew exploration vehicle above the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona on July 31. The test proved unsuccessful when a test set-up parachute failed…”

Editor’s 19 Aug 3:00 pm note: … And the test vehicle crashed into the desert floor. Nowhere does NASA mention that the vehicle slammed into the desert floor or crashed. They just say that “the result was a landing that severely damaged the test mock-up.

Nor has NASA issued a media advisory or a press release to alert people of the images it claimed that it did not have last week. No, they just quietly mentioned that some pictures will be online later to some reporters. And when these images were posted quietly on the NASA website, they were on a page titled “NASA Tests Launch Abort Parachute System”. No mention of a failure, a crash etc. Nor is there any mention on the media page or on the ESMD page.

[Hat tip to eagle eyes Robert for spotting this]

Editor’s 20 Aug note: ESMD is still not making any mention of this video or photos on its website. Why is this being hidden?

Editor’s 20 Aug update: The links are finally up.

More Details on PTV Test Failure and Crash, earlier post
NASA Orion Parachute Test Vehicle Fails Drop Test, earlier post

Crash video below

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.