Minotaur 1 Launched From Wallops
Minotaur 1 Rocket Launched (with video)
“Orbital Sciences Corporation (NYSE: ORB), one of the world’s leading space technology companies, announced that it successfully launched a Minotaur I rocket in support of the Department of Defense Operationally Responsive Space Office’s ORS-3 mission earlier this evening. Originating from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, located at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in eastern Virginia, this mission marks the 25th launch for the Minotaur rocket, all of which have been successful, and the sixth Minotaur vehicle to be launched from the Wallops facility.”
That launch carried a pile of CubeSats, one from Ames others from students.
Well done Minotaur! Pow, that thing leaves in a hurry, a big model rocket. I just read that a Russian Dnepr beat it out with 32 satellites shortly after.