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Approps Changes In The Air

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
February 9, 2005

House Gives Senate Final Approps Plan, Roll Call (Subscription Req’d)

“Rather than putting funds for the NASA in the Energy and water subcommittee as originally planned, the House would give control over NASA to the former Commerce-Justice-State panel. That subcommittee would also oversee the National Science Foundation and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. All three were previously in the VA-HUD subcommittees jurisdiction.”

Chairman Lewis Announces Major Reorganization of the House Appropriations Committee and Slate of Subcommittee Chairmen

“Science, State, Justice and Commerce: The subcommittee will absorb the following programs from VA-HUD:

2. National Science Foundation
3. Office of Science and Technology Policy”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.